A Note from Stephen Burns
I wanted to share these testimonials with you as well as give a little bit of background on myself.
Stephen Burns has discovered the same passion for the digital medium as he has for photography as an art form. His background began as a photographer 28 year ago and in time, progressed toward the digital medium. His influences include the great Abstractionists & the Surrealists including Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso, Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, Mark Tobey, and Lenore Fini, to name a few.
Stephen Burns is a Adobe ACP (Adobe Community Professional) and a corporate instructor and lecturer in the application of digital art and design for the past 15 years (See Resume). He has been exhibiting digital fine art internationally at galleries such as Durban Art Museum in South Africa, Citizens Gallery in Yokahama, Japan, CECUT Museum Of Mexico to name a few. Part of his exhibiting won him 1st placande in the prestigious Seybold International digital arts contest.
Digital Involvement
He teaches Digital Manipulation Workshops online.
See Workshops
Terry Syndergaard
I want to thank you again for your presentation last Tuesday evening. I particularly enjoyed your explaining the thinking behind the doing. You really handled our hecklers well, were great at answering questions and were so well- prepared it made for a fun and educational event. Terry Syndergaard After Effects
Dale Cipperley – 3D Testamonial
I just finished my pal Stephen Burns‘ Blender 3D 2 class. Stephen teaches professionally so that helped make up for the fact I’m a doofus. Blender 3D has a steep learning curve but it is worth it because the damn app is FREE. While his first class was some basic
Guy Young – 3D Testamonial
Has this been done before or is this a first? we are printing from the actual model that was used in the film. That is such a cool concept when you sit back and think about it. It’s not some kind of adaptation. It’s actually the same model from the
John Hinkle – 3D Testimonial
Anybody that needs a reference regarding the quality of Stephen Burns workmanship and design details can send me a note. His stuff is museum quality work and his design and final production pieces are top notch. You will not find anybody, person or company that can match his skills. Nuff’
Simon Mercs – 3D Testimonial
stephen is innovative and bright, and I like his style of creating a scene, this guy may do great things in the modeling community.
Guy Young – 3D Testimonial
Stephen Burns made these 3d parts on the cannons for my Battlestar Galactica ‘s Colonial Viper and he is sooo good at what he makes
Glen Hill – 3D Testimonial
It took me back to the time I first watched the movie. You guys really, really did a super excellent job on these. The floating saucer just tipped the scale for me. The only thing better, would be to see it in person!! Keep up that great work!!
Zoe Samborsky
Finally, thanks to Stephen’s easy to follow instructions, my thick 60 year old head has been able to mask out a grey wintery sky and replace it with a nice blue summer sky,,,through the trees!! Good foliage definition after adjusting levels. Reminds me of the old days in the
Jacques Marleau
Thank you very much for your solution. It worked perfectly well both for exporting from Poser and importing into Photoshop Extended with all the materials and textures applied. I’m so glad and very thankful. I’ve watched your tutorial again on Poser and Photoshop Integration and apprecialted every minute of
Marie E. Wagner
Your class was awesome and I look forward to reviewing the presentation again. You had indicated that you would email it to us. Hopefully I did whatever was required, properly. Thanks again,
Bonnie Erdrich
Hi Stephen, Thank you so much for our presentation. We got some great comments of appreciation from our group. One of the comments was: “Stephen Burns is not only a great artist and author, he is a fascinating presenter. It was inspiring. Excellent meeting all the way around.” That
Ed Hamlin
Stephen Burns many people don’t realize how important it is to learn and keep darkroom skills honed to the best of your abilities. When I started in photography it wasn’t looking through the viewfinder, but in the dark in a darkroom with my father. It was about a year before
Mick Daniel
Hi Stephen, I’ve listed your fantastic book in Photoshop section of BestPhotographyBooks.com. You do a really great job, very inspiring. P.S. If you like our collection as much as we do, please spread the word / link to us. All the best, Mick Daniel
Nyla James
Hi Stephen, Just writing to thank you for the effort you put into the workshop on Friday. I haven’t heard an introduction ever, as good as the one you presented. I appreciated your insight into creativity and the development of composite images that you shared with us. I was late
David Whitwer
Now that things are back to normal, both my brother and I had a good time in Death Valley. Your were in your element teaching good photography. A lot of humor was going on, in spite of some bad weather and sand storm. We had a good group with those
Catherine Cat Evans
Some fun using PS. Thanks to Stephen Burns and the beginning PS class.